Prince Rupert Of The Rhine
Born in Prague in 1619 the son of Frederick V, Elector of Palatinate, Prince Rupert was the nephew of King Charles I.
Rupert first campaigned in the Thirty Years War at the age of 14, and was held hostage in Austria for 3 years until released with Charles' aid. He came to England with his brother, Maurice, in 1642.
Very gifted in langauges, the arts and mathematics, Rupert was a firm favourite and charismatic leader in the Royalist cause. He went on to become a feared and renowned cavalry commander, sweeping all before him in ferocious charges. Nicknamed 'Robert the Devil' by Parliament, it is clear the fear he instilled in them. Even his pet dog Boye was accused of being demonically possessed!
Headstrong and impetuous, the success of these charges was sometimes diminished by an inability to rein in after initial contact, and this cost the Royalist cause key victories.
This fantastic sculpt of Prince Rupert shows him leading his cavalrymen into the charge along with his fearsome dog Boye.